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 Induslnd Emailer | Customer Awareness
Safeguard your
banking convenience.
Beware of SIM-Swap fraud.
Induslnd Bank
Your mobile phone adds convenience to your everyday banking, but it also makes you vulnerable to SIM-Swap fraudsters. Safeguard yourself with relevant knowledge and timely precautions!
How does SIM-Swap happen?
A fraudster obtains victim’s bank account and contact details through social engineering attacks - phishing, vishing or installing malware or Trojans.
Approaches the victim’s mobile service provider with his/ her fake identity proof, claims loss of handset or SIM damage, to obtain a duplicate SIM card.
Post successful verification, the original SIM is deactivated and a new one is issued to the fraudster.
Fraudster initiates fraudulent financial transactions from victim’s bank account details obtained earlier as he receives OTP as well as payment confirmation requests on the duplicate SIM. The victim remains unaware as original SIM is deactivated.
What should
you do to
Never respond to unknown 'phishing' emails, phone calls asking for your Bank Account details and registered phone number.
Protect your personal, bank account and cell phone account information – also when you’re offline.
Do not register Mobile Number online with any website including social networking sites.
Immediately investigate when you notice that you are not receiving calls and messages.
Change your banking passwords frequently.
Keep your phone switched on – otherwise you will not notice when your SIM card has been swapped.
Register for ‘NotifyMe’ to stay informed of all transactions on your account.
What to do if you fall to SIM-Swap fraud? Report immediately!

Contact our Phone Banking Number 1860 500 5004
Stay informed. Stay protected. Bank safe!